Todays ride recap is from Chuck Judy. Chuck is among the amazing team that is taking this ride, and making the most of their experience. Yesterday was a challenging one, and we will see what today brings.
From Chuck:
Hills, Wind and Hills and, wait watch out for those Tracks. The mood is pretty jovial with my teammates. We are by the way on vacation and doing what we love to do. Ride bikes. The benefit that we’re doing this for a great cause is icing on the cake of life. So when our day starts out on the rode, the vibe is sky high. You grab your gear, top off your tires, fill your water bottles, stuff your pockets with snacks and hit the road.
For a brief time we leave most of our cares and worries behind. Then when you least expect it, you let your guard down and it sneaks up. In this case, railroad tracks, about 5 miles into our first leg of the day. While riding easy down the road the group had to cross rail road tracks which led over the road at a long diagonal. Unless you can traverse the tracks at a perpendicular angle, you probably are going to get a wheel caught and fall. It happened before he could react.
Founder Matt Schueler and riding partner Brian Foley fell. Nothing broken, but each recieved some scrapes “road rash” from the pavement. I’m searching for a name for this ride and I think it may be “The trip of care”. We have Firemen, Paramedics, a Lawyer and a Doctor.” We are protected. So care to Matt and Brian was immediate. All supplies you would see in an ambulance are onboard in our supply trucks and RV. Within minutes each was treated and released to return to vacation.
As we resumed to riding, that’s just what we did. There was not much time spent on reliving the moment or contepating the thought of Matt or Brian abandoning. Which speaks a great deal about their character and the group as a whole. We resumed our two by two formation and pedaled on as one. We are all different individuals, united together for two weeks, with one cause. “All for one and one for all”. It’s an amazing feeling to be a part of this group.
Thanks to Chuck for sharing his insight and the story of the day. We capped things off with a firetruck escort to the Michigan Stadium tunnel onto the football field. The riders got the opportunity to ride through the tunnel into the field.
Once in, they were welcomed by UMich women’s lacrosse coach Jenny Ulehla and staff members Alec Zimmerman, Whitney Dixon, Ashley Jackson, Christy-Lee Miller and Whitney Tarbor. All the team members on campus for summer school that were still there came by to also say hello. After a few photos, the riders started throwing football around in the Big House! Who gets to do that? These guys!
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